Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar Yoga was named after B.K.S. Iyengar who is one of the worlds best-known Yoga teachers and who is also the creator of the most popular style of yoga in the world. Iyengar's style is noted for great attention to detail and precise alignment of postures. He also popularized the use of Yoga props such as blocks and belts. This great attention to detail, posture, and alignment has become the notable characteristics of Iyengar Yoga.
The Ivengar yoga poses are held longer, and repeated several times, and it is only when one has achieved a certain level of mastery of these poses that he can move on to Pranayama. The props helps Iyengar yogis to achieve the best possible poses, and also provide support and minimize the risk of getting injured. One of the most popular poses in Iyengar Yoga is the Tadasana or the Mountain Pose. Part of Iyengar's success may be attributed to the quality of his teachers, who must complete a rigorous 2-5 year training program togain certification.